Saturday, March 29, 2008

Busy Busy Busy

Where does the time go? I mean seriously. :) I read other blogs and think...they haven't posted for a few days and then I looked at the date on mine and it's been 5 days. Wow! Sorry everyone. :)

This was a semi busy week. It looks like school is going to be slow for a few months. The only things Judah needs to finish before beginning second grade material are: 1/2 of first grade Math (he finished the first 1/2 in about 6 weeks) and a little bit of language arts stuff: abc order, synonyms, homonyms, and a bit more practice on what constitutes a correct sentence.
I am giving Thomas a break for a few weeks. He is mostly playing with educational toys and with Gideon during school time.

We went on a family field trip Thursday. It should have been fun. Don't get me wrong, parts of it were; but J and T had bad attitudes during parts of it and that made it far less enjoyable. :) We talked about how 1 person's bad attitude can ruin an outing for everyone. Hopefully it sunk in a little.
We went to SC where we first looked at tractors. (An all boy field trip. That's what that was.) Then we went on to Oconee State Park. It was beautiful. The weather was beautiful. It all started off so well. heehee
Skipping nap time was our first mistake.
Our second was going on a "short" hike around the lake.
That lasted well over an hour to an hour and a half. The lake sure looked A LOT smaller when we started than it did when we were finished. :):)
After the hike the boys were both complaining that they were, "SOOOOO tired" till they saw a playground, said, "SLIDE!" and broke into a run. haha
They played there for about 10 minutes and then we rented a paddle boat for an hour. We had to take turns because it was a 2 person paddle boat. Michael took Thomas, then he took Gideon. I followed up with Judah but he got grease on his hands that water wouldn't get rid of and he wanted to go in so he could wash his hands. Michael took him to wash his hands and gave me Gid- who lasted about 5 minutes before trying to jump ship. I was too tired to deal with that so in we went. I went to the office to return the life jackets and use the bathroom. Actually we all made a bathroom stop. Michael was the last one to go in and I decided to take the boys to the van so I could change Gid's diaper. As I started down the brick steps outside I missed one and went tumbling down face first. I cannot tell you how terrified I was that I was tumbling down face first with a 2 year old in my arms. Those stairs were SHARP. I was worried that when we hit them that I'd smash Gid under me or not be able to protect I dropped him to the side where I wouldn't fall on him and I slid down the steps on my legs and broke the fall with my hands. Thankfully I didn't hit my face. It was only about 5-6 steps but my legs HURT. I knew they were skinned up and I was frantically checking Gid who was crying. He looked fine. No scratches. Michael came out and I asked him to check him while I checked out my right leg. It was pretty bruised and scraped but it all looked rather surfacy. I got some alcohol (OOOUUUUCHHH!!! I mean for crying out loud! I've had 3 children without a drop of painkiller but I HATE to put alcohol on an open wound. I'm such a wimp!) and band aids from inside. I "dr'd" the wounds and put on a couple of band aids.
It all looked fine even though it hurt a lot. Gid ended up with a small bump on the back of his head. No cuts or bruises anywhere else so I guess I made the right choice to drop him in the second I had to decided. I cried though. I felt AWFUL that I hadn't been able to protect him.
Anyway, when we got home one of the cuts on my shin started bleeding again and wouldn't stop. It was just a bitty thing but it was more like a small puncture wound. Lovely. Probably needed a single stitch but of course I didn't get it. :) I put on 2 butterfly bandages and thought it was ok till it bled through. grrr. Gauze and adhesive tape took care of that. :) Aren't you all just so thrilled that I shared those details with you? What exciting reading. lol

Because we took the day off Thursday I got behind on housework. So, today I have been cleaning WAY more than I normally do on a Saturday. I try not to do much cleaning on the weekends.
Michael is off at a baseball game with some friends. I was SO SAD when he called me from the field to tell me that the Braves were playing the Cleveland Indians!! It's only a pre season game but it still would have been fun to see. I'm really glad he got to get away and do something fun this afternoon. He rarely does that.

Gotta go. The kids are breaking down out there and I need to go see what's up. Blessings!- Angela :)

1 comment:

Christy Fritz said...

Glad you and Gideon are okay.:)