Wednesday, May 14, 2008

For Ladies Only

OK a guy COULD read this but #1) it's TMI (too much information) and #2) You probably wouldn't "get it" anyway. LOL

I went bra shopping tonight. This is significant for a couple of reasons. First of all, I have been pregnant and/or nursing for 7 years (this month in fact). The last time I bought a non nursing bra (besides a sports bra) was over 6 years ago. BOY HAVE THEY CHANGED. Most of them are padded nowadays. Don't want that FOR SURE! My chest is on the lower end of med/higher end of small side and THAT'S JUST FINE with me. I don't want to call attention to that area of my body. Nuff said'. Also, since it's been so long, I had NO IDEA what size I actually am. heehee I took a long time just staring at the big diff btwn a B and a C cup. Then I was worried that if I bought them and they didn't fit that I wouldn't be able to return them. Here's the weird part. I got them at Walmart. I asked TWO different employees if I could return them if they didn't fit. They both assured me that I could. Great, I thought... That will solve the prob. Then I thought about the fact that I could try them on at home and return them but trying them on in the store is forbidden. Weird. Anyway...2 out of 3 fit. I will exchange the other one tomorrow when I grocery shop with the boys. I felt like a little girl buying her first bra. Over SIX years people since I've bought a non nursing bra. Anyone want to celebrate with me?
The funny/ironic part is that I'm STILL nursing. heehee I will use my nursing bras at home still until he weans. The reason I bought the new ones tonight was for GIRL weekend. Now, we aren't going to sit around in our underwear and talk... but when I was getting ready to pack a couple of bras for the trip today I noticed that I had only 1 acceptable option. The others are yellowed, torn, WAY too big, etc. I would have been VERY embarrassed to pull out my yucky bra on the way to the shower. :):)
Please pray that I won't get engorged on the trip. Since Gid is still nursing it is a definite possibility. IF I do I ted to get mastitis. If Amy was a Mommy I wouldn't think a thing about it to pump but she has yet to experience having a conversation with pumping Mommy. heehee So, I will refrain unless I HAVE to.
Would appreciate the prayers though. Mastitis is NO fun. I've had it enough times to know. :):):)
Gotta go exercise. Hope that everyone is doing well.
Blessings!- Angela :)


Andie said...

Have fun! I hope you don't get engorged - that is *not* a picnic for sure! And yes, it is sooo liberating to get new bras, and to get new underwear after you've stopped your post partum bleeding - feels so good, LOL!!!

Anonymous said...

LOL girl! I do not care if you pump!

1 day left! :-)


Catrina said...

I didn't know trying on bras in walmart is forbidden, I do it all the time, and all those undie shops in commerce let you, so what is up with W. Hope you enjoy your new garments.