Sunday, May 11, 2008

Wedding, Loose Teeth, and Mother's Day

all rolled into one post! :):):)

Thanks to those of you who prayed. Thanks to those of you who left encouraging comments. The wedding went beautifully. I did pretty well. It wasn't perfect but it was good. :) Her father REALLY appreciated it and that made it a wonderful experience. Right before the ceremony I was talking with the pastor and I was just reminding him to pause every now and then to allow me to catch up.
He said that even if I couldn't that her (the bride's) father pretty much understood what was going on and it wouldn't matter too much. Inside I cringed. The pastor wasn't being mean or snide. I think he was trying to encourage me but it just hurt my heart. I was thinking, "of COURSE it matters. This is his daughter's wedding. He SHOULD be able to understand it in his own language!" I didn't say that to the pastor. I smiled and went back to the front row to wait. :)
The ceremony itself was very pretty. Formal evening wedding. Black and white with light blue as an accent color.
The only slight glitch that happened during the ceremony was when the pastor fumbled a couple of words. It was funny because it was like one of those places he was supposed to say "should NOT" instead of "should". Well, I was on top of what he was saying at the time and I signed what he said...then I chuckled and signed the correct thing to her father and step mother. I didn't think my little chuckle was obvious but one of my pastor's wives was there and she asked me later why I laughed. She thought it was because the pastor messed up. Hopefully nobody else noticed or thought that- OY!
Judah's two bottom teeth have been loose for a couple of months. Yesterday one was really loose and I asked him if he wanted me to pull it for him. He did and we got it out. The other one was loose enough tonight to pull so we did. :) He lost his first two teeth. sob boys is getting BIG...I remember when he GOT those two teeth. It sure doesn't seem like 6 years ago. I will try to post pics as soon as I can find my software for my camera. After the computer crash I got a new hard drive and I cannot seem to find the disk to reload it ANYWHERE!! As soon as I do you will get to see him in all his toothless glory! You will get to see Gideon's toothless glory too. I'm STILL not used to his being gone, although it really makes his beaming smile that much quirkier and cuter!!

Mother's Day today was really nice. We didn't get to church because Thomas seems to have developed a painful ear infection and a couple of the kids are still coughing. We did go to lunch. It was nice. We didn't go anywhere grand because Michael is giving me money for my GIRL'S WEEKEND trip that is coming up in FIVE DAYS!!!!! (Thanks honey!!) The boys each gave me a balloon. Then they each took them back to play with them. It was funny. They also picked out a flower for me. I love flowers. :) I got to take a 2 1/2 hour nap today so that was lovely. We went out to dinner tonight (Arby's- I like the chicken salad sandwich) because we had some business stuff to do and then we went home. The boys got ready for bed while I nursed Gid and put him in bed. Then we read a Bible story and forgot to pray with all the excitement over the tooth and trying to get garlic oil into the older boys' ears before bed. Whew! I was a really nice day.

One funny thing...the boys were old enough this year to ask..."When is kids' day? Why isn't there a kids' day?" heehee

Goodnight everyone!!

Love, Angela :)


Andie said...

I'm glad the wedding went well....gosh, losing teeth already? Time sure does fly! Have fun with Amy!! It will be good for you two to catch up and spend some girl time together :-)

Anonymous said...

I'm glad the wedding went well.I agree the father should know what is going on at the wedding but as you said he (the minister)probably was just trying to make you feel comfortable.I can't believe Judah's losing teeth already. I think back to when the boys were born and thankful that I was able to share those times. Glad you had a nice mother's day and have fun at girl time this weekend.
Card Grandma

April said...

So glad it all went well. I am sure it just meant the world to the parents. I have watched signers sometimes at our big church events, just enthralled because it always involves so much more than the hands. The facial expressions are always so neat to see. I hope the minister's wife was blessed by it, too.

Happy mothers' day, belatedly, too! Did you tell your little guys that EVERY day is kids' day? :)

Anonymous said...

Hello. And Bye.