Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Day 3

Today was day three of swim lessons. Today Gideon let his teacher hold him, swim with him, instruct him, and Gid followed the instructions very very well. He now knows how to (with a float on) kick his legs, blow bubbles in the pool, jump in far enough not to hit the side, and stick his face in the water. Today they learned to float on their backs with the belt on. I stuck swim shorts on him yest and today and it's AMAZING how much different it makes him look. It definitely makes him look older and less babyish. Of course, he still has the swim diaper on underneath.

The older boys learned to dive in the DEEP END today. WOW! I was 17 years old before I learned to dive into the deep end. Heck, I was 14 before I learned to swim. :)
They were a bit afraid and it took some coaxing from the instructor to get Judah to do it but he did it. I was SO proud. I happened to be standing near when Judah started to get nervous and I said to him, "Judah he's not going to let you drown. He'll get fired. He'll loose his job." The other kid in their class (just turned 6) laughed. So did the 17 year old teacher.

Tomorrow I will take some more pics of their progress. They are having a blast. It is SO worth the money (and it was MORE than we wanted to spend) to do this. I'm really glad that they are learning to conquer fears and learning to save their lives. heehee Every time Judah says, "I'm AFRAID!" I tell him this, "That's why you are learning to swim. Once you know how you don't have to be afraid of the deep water because you can swim." :):):)

I took Gideon out on a date with me last night but it wasn't as blogworthy as the others. Mostly because he kept asking for, "DADA" the whole night. He is that age where little boys always want their Daddies around. It was still fun. We still had fun but he was sad that Michael wasn't there. :( You should see his face when Michael asks him to go anywhere in "the big truck" with him. He gets this 1000 watt smile and jumps up and down. Cute. The only time he does that with me is when I ask him if he wants to nurse. Hmmm could that be why I haven't weaned him yet? hhhmmmmmm That's not really why. I am a fan of child led weaning. However, Gid doesn't seem to be moving in that direction so we are going to be cutting back to twice a day. This should get interesting here pretty quickly. Especially since he is cutting his 2 year old molars. Fun Fun.

Well gotta go. I'll try to post more pics tomorrow.

Blessings!- Angela :)


Christy Fritz said...

the only thing that got me in the weaning mood was the next pregnancy! ;) so it was interesting with clara. i'll be thinking of you... she was around 2 1/2 when we finally stopped.

Jane said...

can I come and play in the water too?

musicmommy3 said...

I understand Christy. Judah self weaned but I was only about 3 months from giving birth to Thomas. I weaned Thomas at 23 months (sheer agony for him) because I was terribly pregnant sick with Gideon. Gideon is 2 1/2. I think that that's totally fine but I want him to let me comfort him with hugs, etc. not just nursing. He wants to nurse lots right now because of the teeth. :)

You are MOST welcome at my house anytime! I would love to meet you!! Bring in on down here. :)

Ashley Dumas said...


Marina is 21 months right now and we are trying to cut back on the nursing, but I am also a child-led weaning proponent. Sienna and I stopped at 2 and 1/2. I would like Marina to lose interest naturally before this mark, but it looks like it ain't gonna happen. For the last month, Oscar has been trying to lure her away from nursing with cups of chocolate milk, sippy cups with juice, we even tried bottles with milk or formula. She looks at us like we are crazy (which we probably are : )and carries on with her nursing. Oh well, if you get any great weaning ideas let me know : )!!
