Friday, June 27, 2008

Profound Truth found in a strange place...

Do you remember that old show Kate and Allie? I loved that show. I still like watching the reruns although I don't agree with everything that goes on. This is NOT an endorsement of the show. There was however a profound statement made on one of the episodes.
Allow me to set the stage for you if you will...Their teenage daughters are angry and having an argument. Kate tells them to calm down.
Allie cuts in and says, "They're valid feelings. They are entitled to express them...Let your feelings out or they will overwhelm you." To which Kate replies, "Sure, then you let them out and they overwhelm everybody else."

OUCH! I was so convicted...while watching a secular sitcom. Which, in itself, is hard because the reason I was watching was to "escape for 24 minutes". lol :)

Anyway, I was thinking that night, and the next night, and the night after that, and again today about how I justify my words sometimes with, "well I was just upset" or "I needed to get that off my chest" or "I should be allowed to say what I think!", etc.

I have to be honest though...the Bible talks about bridling the tongue. (In fact, I'll bet that the entire book of James was written just for me.) In Proverbs God talks about the power of life and death being in the tongue. Cringe. I have the power to speak life and encouragement over others or death and damaging words.

I want my tongue to be a spring of encouragement and life. I don't want to get caught up in myself where I think that whatever I want to say I should have a right to say.

I'm not saying that we should bury our feelings or thoughts. I'm saying that we should take them to God and express them to Him and then let Him take them to the cross. We should ask His forgiveness if we've sinned. I think that would be a much better way to live. What do y'all think?


Anonymous said...
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Mothertomanyblessings said...

How I totally have the same problem! This post was posted for me lol.

Elspeth said...

Profound truth in a strange place is truth nonetheless!! I must admit that it gave me pause as well. Thanks for the reminder to take our feelings to God. They certainly won't overwhelm Him.

Ashley Dumas said...

I actually usually do not have this problem, but amazingly enough I have recently gotten caught up in a comment/counter comment struggle on another blog and was just thinking, Ashley you should just be quiet!! I think it leaving the loving realm and entering into the "whose right" realm. I hate that realm. Now, I link to your blog for the affirmation I needed. I think I am gonna bow out : ) Thanks for the encouraging post!

Bye for now

April said...

I have a tendency to be really harsh, but only towards my loved ones -- and myself. It's ridiculous, really. I can be an entirely different person if a church member is in earshot! It's terrible. And it's something I've been really convicted about lately. Thanks for this, Angela.

Jane said...

Ouch! I think you should get off my toes! Dang girl, that one hit close to home....thanks.

FYI...we often watch that show.