Thursday, April 12, 2007

Sunday School Lessons

I am really enjoying our new Sunday school class. It's a Marriage and Family one and the teacher is a riot. She is really laid back and makes it interesting. She is using a study but we didn't have to buy books or workbooks because she said "nobody will do them."LOL She apparently remembers what it's like to have children and careers. :)
Anyway, most of the information is a great reminder but something in particular stuck out to me on Sunday. It's not new information but it was just the way it was put that made it stick out to me.
We were focusing on marriage in the garden of Eden -before the fall. She wanted us to imagine what the first marriage was like before sin entered the picture. It was perfect. God had done a marvelous job. There was nothing stressful in their relationship, etc. What struck me was that God had made marriage to work PERFECT just as He made everything well. (sin was/ and is the problem) Here's what struck me.
I realize all the time that I'm trying to change the idea of marriage to suit my needs but why am I trying to change something that God made perfect to begin with? Is my version going to be better than Almighty God's? He is the author of perfect things. Man made ideas are not going to work half as well. So, I decided to really make even more of an effort to remember that God set up man as the head of the home. The woman is an equal partner with different jobs. We are not the head. I need to remember that if I operate within the way God designed marriage that it will work well. Just thought I'd share what I was learning (and RELEARNING) with y'all. Blessings!- Angela :)

1 comment:

Christy Fritz said...

good stuff... i heard an excellent description of headship which actually slips my mind at the moment... anyway it made great sense to both of us.
check out and click on sermons... the women/men series is AWESOME!!!
where do you go to church now?