Sunday, June 15, 2008

Happy Father's Day!!

Being that it's Father's Day today I want to wax eloquent about my dad but I'm much too tired so I'll try to do that tomorrow. :)

Tonight, I will show you what we did today.

First though I'll start with this picture...

A leftover picture taken the day before Judah went to the hospital for tests. We weren't going to spend that much on Thomas and Judah's bikes but...when faced with the possibility of health probs...Michael caved. Gideon got Thomas' old bike. It's still a little big for him but he was really excited.

The ever popular "ROAR" game. You roar REALLY loudly and try to look as scary as possible. The boys LOVE it. Gideon woke me up yesterday morning and growled "roar" at me.

We have a fairly large house so roar is quite fun. We can run around from room to room. We try to be careful when we go down the stairs. The game sort of ceases it's intensity when we are going down the stairs. :)

Judah running full boar at the Roar Monster AKA Daddy.

Roar Monster tickling the boys.

Roar Monster starts to use "weapons" to attack the boys.

Tickle the Baby. Auuggghhhh

We'll get you!!!!

Oh, look! The fan is actually moving. I didn't know it did that in here.

You'll NEVER defeat me!! Hehehe!!!

Gideon getting in on the action. He's trying to squish Daddy.

Dog pile on Daddy...I mean the Roar Monster.

The chase picks up.

I think we've conquered him.

Judah brings out the heavy artillary.

FINE! Then I'll just steal your baby brother!!

OH NO YOU WON'T!!!!!!!

Honey, I think I may need some oxygen or mouth to mouth or something.

Me too mom but you can skip the mouth to mouth part. :)

Thomas practicing with the new rod he won yesterday.

Hi Mom!

Working the pole like a real fisherman.

This is what is on the end of Thomas' pole to practice with. I laughed and laughed at Gideon trying to catch it before Thomas reeled it in. He reminded me of a cat...only cuter.

Judah practicing his casting.

Isn't he precious?

Hi Mom!

"Hello everyone!"

Happy Father's Day Michael!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Love the photos! What a joy to have a house full of happy boys!
