Let's see: Delight and Rico are across town so that's not very difficult. We see them about once every 2 weeks or so. :) We will hopefully pop in more once Delight drops her cria (baby alpaca). She is due the first week of December.
Bella Cocoa Powder lives in Charlotte, NC. She will reside at her current farm until 3 weeks after she gives birth in June. Cria will obviously come home with her.
Cygwyn (Great Pyrenees dog) will be picked up in Atlanta by us on the 20th of December. We will take him to the farm where Delight and Rico live so that he can bond with his new job. :)
Rowdy (Great Pyrenees dog) is staying at his home here in Homer, GA until we bring Cygwyn and alpacas over to our farm to live.
When is that you ask?
Well, Delight, cria, and Rico will come home sometime mid-late Jan.
Both dogs will also come at that time.
Cocoa will come in July. (It is not good to move a pregnant girl. If they get too stressed out they can lose their babies and that's obviously not good. She will be very early pregnant at that time and will have her cria with her so it won't be as stressful. Yes we are re-breeding her before we take her home.)
Here is a picture of Cocoa Powder:

They are really a pretty animal, aren't they? There is an alpaca farm near my father's farm. They have a little store where they sell sweaters and stuff I think.
yes, I CAN understand what it is like to have your loved ones not living at your home so you can take care of them ;)
Cocoa Powder is so perdeee! to bad she can't give cocoa flavored milk;) If she is giving birth in June, can they bread her and have her ready for shipping by July? Poor girl...nothing but prego for her!
Yes Jane that is the life of an alpaca. Breed, give birth, rebreed in 14-17 days. They don't seem to suffer at all with it. :)
She won't be shipped. We will bring her home in our van. :) Seriously. All the alpaca owners do that. :)
OK, A. How long, or how many itmes can tehy breed, give birth, rebreed in a lifetime? Still seems tough :)
And B. Will she sit in the front seat like dogs do? Or are alpacas too dignified for that?
What a beautiful chocolate color! I'd love to rub my face in those soft shoulders!
A. They can start having babies at 1 1/2 years old. They can continue having babies all the way up to old age (15-20 years).
If a vet recommends you retire them, then you do. Other than that, they are very stoic animals.
B. Haha! Not on the front porch. They are WAY too dignified for that. :)
how long is their gestation period? how long do they nurse their babies?
why don't they shave their legs too?
and...IF we ever take a trip together...we are riding in MY vehicle! ;)
thanks for the education!!!
Ahhh, someday you will have all your "chicks in one nest."
You will surely be busy when that day comes!
Wow! What a busy bee your are
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