Here are some pics. Enjoy!!
Gideon saying hello to Great Gram, who is wishing him a happy birthday!!
His big present... He looked at it like, "Huh?"
Then he realized it was for him and THREW his arms around Daddy, who was holding him. It was a very sweet moment. :)
Just like my big brothers!!!
Off I go.
What a crew!
A little help...
...from Daddy.
Gideon's cake
When we finished the Birthday Song he stuck his arms up in the air like, "YEAH!" It was so cute!!
He absolutely loved
blowing out his candles. :)
A Bob video!! Thanks Nana and Papa!!
WHAT?! I got a Handy Manny toolbox...that sings!!!
Jump jump jumping for joy!!
What do you mean I have more presents? I'll just sit here with this one. :)
ALL the boys crowded around to see the tractor...something about a Y chromosome. Haha!
Get it out Daddy!
He's NOT throwing a fit. He got so excited he just couldn't contain himself and he started rolling around on the floor! :)
Playing with the Handy Manny toy.
Thomas opening his present from Nana. He got a gun set and was REALLY excited. Before you ask, of course it was a play gun!
Bang Bang!!
I'll get you bad guys!
Deputy Thomas is in town! lol
New toys!
Judah's packin'
and he knows how to use them! :D
The birthday boy, playing with his new toys
Giving Daddy a great big thankful goodnight hug!
Happy Birthday my
I love you SOOOOO MUCH!!!!!
Thank-you SO MUCH Nana and Papa for all the great presents! Thank-you Daddy for the truck! I LOVE IT!! Thank-you Great Gram, Great Aunt Nita, and Card Grandma for the money!
Hey, we had a 3rd birthday this week,too!
Ours wasn't quite so much fun looking....there were no guns or tractors. Just a tea set and a game.
Happy Birthday Gid!
Looks like a fun time for all!!! Love the pictures
Happy Birthday Gideon!!
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