Wednesday, April 4, 2007

3 Days and Counting

Hello Everyone!

Well, it's 3 days and counting. The last package came today. I just have to say that it smelled SOOOOOO GOOD! Even though it was mostly frozen the food smelled so fresh, like they used very fresh ingredients and no filler. I'm anxious to taste it on Saturday. I wrapped some things up in tin foil and put them in the fridge (so Michael couldn't see what they were) and others went into the freezer. All the paper products, serving things, ingredients, etc. are bought and hidden in the mud room. I even thought about how to set it all up and have diagrammed it out on paper. LOL Can you tell that I'm excited about the party?
The boys have been making mess after mess so I have been very Irritated Mommy today. A couple times I slipped into Screaming Mommy but quickly repented. I had a good time playing the guitar and worshipping Jesus this morning. It was mostly uninterrupted time too so that was REALLY nice. Gideon was in the room eating but the other boys were upstairs watching a video. One good thing about spring/summer is that they kids definitely watch less videos. They would MUCH rather be outside and I can't blame them a bit. Gideon LOVES the outside. He is always squealing and pointing at the door. He is in LOVE with Ginger our dog. He calls her GIN GIN. It's really cute even when he's squealing it in this high pitched voice. Thank goodness his voice doesn't tend to carry very far.
Upstairs bathrooms tomorrow. Also Vacuuming. Also finish putting away the laundry and do one final load. I think I did 4 or 5 today. I can't remember anymore. I lost track.
Oh, keep those prayers coming. Nobody else has the stomach flu but Gideon loos to have a cold and he has a big rash too. We're not sure if it's some virus, or an allergic reaction to our new detergent, or a reaction from the fire ant bites he got today. That kid has the HIGHEST pain tolerance. He doesn't even flinch when they bite him. Amazing! Well, I guess not too amazing considering all the "tough love" his brothers give him.
Goodness is it 10:32pm already?! I need to go do stomach crunches, take a quick shower, and hit the sack. Bon Soir!
-Angela :)

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