Wednesday, June 6, 2007

Fun Fun Fun

We have been having some fun in home school. After all, that's what it's all about right? (most of the time)

We made homemade glue a couple of weeks ago. It was very simple and very fun.

You take 1 cup of skim milk
Add to the milk 1 TBSP of vinegar
stir it and then slowly heat it (not boil)

Take a coffee filter and place it over a bowl or cup (bowl worked better for me)
The whey and vinegar will drain through the filter leaving the whey.
Take about 1/4 tsp (to start, you may need more) baking soda and stir it into the whey.
The glue will actually be a paste consistency.

voila! natural glue!!
Cheap and fun.

The kids then made a tissue paper collage with the glue we had made. We used spoons to smear it onto the paper.

Thank-you Jennifer for your suggestion! We used today for school. Thomas did A, B, C, D, and T. Judah read five of the short stories. It was a fun change for us.

Well I have 1 nursing toddler and 2 wild Indians. Gotta go!


Tia Lynn said...

I thought you needed a horse to make glue! :)

keithandjennifer said...

Glad the website was fun. I'll send more your way if I find any good ones:)