Monday, June 4, 2007

Nothing Special

Hello everyone,
I have nothing special or earth shattering to report. We're just living life over here in Martin, Ga. Actually, it's a pretty great life. I really do LOVE being a SAHM. What a blessing and a privilege. We got up this morning and I moped around a bit because I was awakened out of a deep sleep to go change a bed and a kid. :):) (not my favorite thing to wake up to) Eventually we got back on track. The kids straightened the living room while I cleaned up breakfast. Then, the kids dusted while I folded 2 loads of laundry. Together we vacuumed and then I loaded up the washing machine for the second time this morning (the first time being the sheets). After the chores were done I breathed in a HUGE breath and smiled. I love the sight of a clean house. School was next on the list. Today we were working on simple addition and also, I'm not sure what to call it, the concepts of beside, behind, below, above, etc. They did a good job with a little complaining from Thomas. I really don't even care if he is doing school at this point since he's only 4 but he wants to and then he doesn't want to (in the span of 5 minutes). I'm trying to train him not to be lazy in the jobs he does. He tends more towards that. We'll be sure to do a craft tomorrow. He loves those. I know he tends to be a audio/kinistetic learner so crafts that teach and, things he can memorize by listening are easier for him. Judah is a definite visual learner. I have to make sure he is looking at me when I tell him something I want him to do or he will not do it entirely correctly.
When I give the boys a command usually I tell them one time, then I ask them if they understand, and then I have them repeat it back to me so that I can be sure it's disobedience and not a misunderstanding. If I'm sure that they've heard and understood the directions I can be more consistent in discipline because I don't have to wonder if they didn't hear me or if they didn't understand. It cuts out a lot of stress on my part. It's also easier to be consistent this way.
Also while we're on the subject...the best boy raising tip I have ever received (well one of them anyway) is to LIMIT THE AMOUNT OF WORDS when explaining something to them or correcting them. Boys are like little men. Their brains are wired that way. If they reach the end of their word limit they tune out. LOL
I have found this info SOOOO helpful; especially because I tend to be wordy anyway.

Here is a great quote I read over the weekend that will resonate with all you home school moms-
“Let early education be a sort of amusement. You will then better be able to find out the natural bent of the child.” – Plato (427-347 BC)

I agree wholeheartedly; especially for boys.

Hope that everyone has a great week. Blessings!!

- Angela :)

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