Tuesday, June 5, 2007


That one word sums up what I feel now that the morning is over. Some attitude problems and meanness this morning (my kids, not me- LOL) made it hard; augmented by the fact that I didn't get very much quality sleep last night. First Judah and then Gideon needed me last night.(Gideon was several times) So, this morning I tried to get up. I had a great wake up call. My 17 month cherub, about 1 inch from my face, said, "MAMA!" He was sitting on my belly, yelling Mama and grinning down at me. It was too cute. I smiled wanly and immediately fell back asleep. He did it again a few seconds later. I just couldn't keep my eyes open. The next wake up call was my oldest rubbing my cheek gently saying, "Mommy, I peed." (in the pull-up) sigh. My eyes still closed again. I just couldn't get up. I finally pried my eyes open and got out of bed and went about the morning- for about an hour until my body was about to give out and I put Gid in his playpen and let the other boys play instead of do chores. They had their backpacks and sleeping bags out and were playing camping. It was really cute. So I slept for about an hour (somewhere in there Michael came to get the fussy toddler and take him outside to watch him assemble garbage cans) and then pried myself from the bed to change another accident-different child- (big sigh) and fold 2 loads of laundry.
From there it did get much better. :):):) School today was writing practice. Thomas has better penmanship but still doesn't know his letters. He's just learning slower than Judah. That's ok. I have a feeling he won't be a "book" smart child but he is very bright. He is also very creative. So, over and over today he wrote A and B and we talked about which was which. He finally looked like he was catching on. Then he did an exercise that I knew he was getting them a bit better. I was so proud that he was finally getting them that I told them I was making a special lunch. They are eating it now...A and B shaped pancakes. They were thrilled. I was too, until I slid the A pancake on Thomas' plate and asked him what letter it was and he replied, "B". LOL Oh well. We'll just keep making learning as fun as possible and he will eventually get it.
No need for pressure- he's only 4.
Blessings!- Angela :)

1 comment:

keithandjennifer said...

Don't know if you have internet but www.starfall.com has some great little activities/worksheets/songs dealing with ABCs. Just a suggestion.