Thursday, August 9, 2007

Back To Homeschool Day 1

"What Led to Our Decision to Homeschool?"
It started out with Michael telling me as soon as we were married that he wanted to homeschool. I was totally against it for all the same reasons any non informed person is. Mostly I didn't see the need for it. I thoroughly enjoyed public school (ok not the kids but all the extra curricular activities) I also enjoyed being a light in the darkness for Jesus.
The only experience I had had with homeschooled kids were my friends from church whose parents pulled them out of public school in Jr high/High school and they were MISERABLE!!
Of course going to Grace Covenant and being around lots and lots of homeschooled kids changed my mind. Also the decline of the culture and the things they "teach" in school now are other reasons why I'm glad we homeschool but the real reason we homeschool is that we feel that's what God led US to do for OUR family. :):) The bonuses are that I get to hang out with my kids more, I get to teach them to read, we get to cheer really loudly for someone when they finally get something. I could go on and on. I'm REALLY glad we are homeschooling. I know I would be one of those moms who would cry every day because my baby was off being raised by someone else. :):)
We plan on continuing to homeschool all the way through their education unless God tells us otherwise.
Blessings!- Angela :)
ignore all the grammatical and punctuation mistakes's late.

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