Thursday, August 9, 2007

So Far Behind...

...not in life, just in blogging. I was taking a 3 day break at the first of the week. Then, life just got a little crazy. :):)

I wanted to do the Back To Homeschool Week that Susannah is doing on her blog. So, I am writing 4 posts (ordered backwards) so I can at least convey my thoughts on the subjects, even if this is only our first year. I laugh because everyone has started school this week but we started in the I guess my blogs should be Continuation of Homeschool...LOL

Back to Homeschool Week: Day Four

"If I Had Only Known"

If I had only known how much fun this would be I would not have been so anti homeschooling 8 years ago. :P

We are really having fun. I am able to buy little games and flashcards to make learning fun for them. The internet is loaded with hands on science experiments and great sites like

A little off topic but just a cute story from today. I took the boys down to Dollar Tree this morning because they had earned a couple dollars last week working for Michael. They spent about 25 minutes looking carefully through the toys. They were doing so well (not wrestling in the aisle, not fighting, not snatching, etc. etc. etc. ) that I went a couple of aisles over to get a few homeschool things. When they had finished they came up to the counter and Thomas paid for his toy. The cashier said, " I would have thought they'd be in school?" He looked confused not critical. I replied, "We homeschool so (grin) they technically are." He smiled and commented on how well mannered they were. (He should have followed us on to Walmart and he would have taken the compliment back. LOL ) Anyway I was proud of them because they did do a good job and I'm glad the gentleman pointed it out because frankly I didn't notice. I guess it's what I have always expected them to do even if they usually don't. Practice makes perfect. (and since we're at Walmart "all" the time we get plenty of practice)


Angela :)

1 comment:

musicmommy3 said...

I know they aren't in reverse order but it's just too late to fix anything!
