Friday, August 22, 2008

I Was Put In Check


"Listen" to this folks...

Yesterday Gideon, who is 2 1/2 and was still in a crib, decided that he wanted to sleep in big brother's bed for naptime. Daddy authorized this deal much to my irritation. I just knew that I would have to outlast him to get him to stay there. Well, I was reading to Thomas in my room. Gideon tried to come down but Michael ambushed him on the stairs, corrected him, and sent him to bed. (then Daddy went back to work) I finished the story and went to see why it was quiet in the boys' room. SHOCK! Gideon was fast asleep. (Peaceful sigh)

So, after his nap I asked him if he was ready for his big boy bed. He got SO excited. We set it up and I realized that he didn't have matching sheets or a matching comforter like the big boys do. So, I proceeded to search on Ebay. Judah and Thoms came in to watch and Gid was on my lap. Judah said that he wanted a new one too. I understand the desire to change the look in a room so I said that we would keep the paint color and then try to find matching bed in a bag sets. Well, all the sets were too expensive for 3, plus, nobody agreed on what they really wanted. (well not the cheaper ones anyway) Gideon kept pointing to ones he liked and Judah kept saying "I don't like that one."

Finally, Thomas looked at Judah and said kindly but firmly, "Judah! Mommy is buying things for Gideon's bed. She is NOT buying things for our beds. We already have some upstairs. We don't need to buy things when we already have some. Mommy is buying us a toy at the Dollar Store tomorrow. This is for Gideon."

I was suddenly slapped back into reality. I said something like, "Good point Thomas." And that was that.

Well, for that day...I did buy them matching ones on sale at K-Mart a week or so later. :)

Just Keepin IT REAL!!! :D
Visit BRENDA for more Keepin' It Real Fun! :)


karly said...

Thomas is a very smart boy! Loved this post!!

Brenda said...

I must admit, that's one of my weak areas: the things I want FOR my kids!

It's hard not to get all the things I want them to have...but they don't always need.

musicmommy3 said...

It's so funny because I don't usually buy them "stuff". They get things they need and every once in a while things they just want. I guess I just have a weakness for matching clothes and bedspreads...and shoes...etc.