Sunday, May 3, 2009

Happy Boy!

Okay, I feel I must preface this with a statement... We definitely have bad attitudes crop up here. There are lots of stubborn faces here as well. Apparently, though, my kids cannot make a sad face on command. I have proof and it's HILARIOUS!

Okay Gideon. Make a sad face for me, please.

You call that a SAD face?

Try again.

Nope. Not even close.

C'mon Gideon. You can do it. Again.

GIDEON! heehee

Thomas thought he would give it a shot. He was just as hopeless. (and let me just say that, not on command, he is very dramatic and makes the saddest faces around here)

But on command, that's as close as he could get.

I think that's more contemplative than sad dear boy!

Even Gideon's recent black eye couldn't make him frown.

It was a beauty!

He and Thomas bumped heads. OUCH!

He proudly posed for pictures.

It turned many shades before it faded.

I love my Happy Boys!


Jane said...

i love my surprise phone calls! thank you soooooo very much!

Julie said...

How fun. Your boys are so cute. I love the eye!