They were especially excited that this thing did not have it's usual long line. I really get nervous when they are on it. It's like a neck injury just waiting to happen!
But THEY love it. :)
Gideon giving biggest brother a ride.
He's really into climbing things... He's a boy.
See? :)
My oldest two FINALLY learned to start themselves on the swing this year. I could hardly contain my excitement!!! Thomas got going really high here.
Judah was not feeling safe that high so he kept it a little lower.
Gideon cannot start himself and since the shoulder surgery I really should not be pushing him so he just had fun a different way.
Planes go high!!!
I like how Judah matches the truck. lol!
I'm finished swinging now Mom.
It's climbing time now!
Thomas had to get in on the action.
Gideon joined them too.
Only, he wasn't too sure about it once he got a little higher. :)
They love to spin on these things. It makes my stomach churn just to watch.
Gideon went at a slower pace thank goodness.
TWO HOURS later the zoo finally opened...
Elephants are so cool!
They really are!
The boys thought the lemurs with their loud shrieking noise were the coolest thing ever!! (They've seen them many times but I don't think they've ever heard them make that noise up close before.)
So cute!
We're having so much fun!!
I think the giraffes have got to be my favorite animal here.
I'm also partial to tortoises.
A fun time was had by all.