Saturday, April 21, 2007

A burp, a word, and a short update

This will be short because I'm pretty tired tonight.

A few days ago Judah told us what a burp was. He said,
"A burp is when my stomach is frustrated and wants food quickly."

Gideon has a new word. Before Thursday his words consisted of: Mama, Dada, Bubba (brother), Gin-gin (Ginger-our dog), and he could sign the word please as well as wave bye bye and hello. Thursday he said what sounded like, "go go go." I said to him, "Gideon, did you say GO?" He repeated his babble, "go go go" and went to the door. Today we were outside and he heard Daddy around the house and said, "DADA!" I asked him if he wanted to go and find Daddy and he said, "Dada, go."
It was very sweet.

We are taking Michael's mom to the airport tomorrow. She had a (mostly) nice visit with us this week. (The kids had a hard week obediance wise. The were also very wild. We need to have people over more often so it's not such a novelty.)

If you can, please add our pastor, John Harvey, to your prayer lists. He had a rather serious heart attack this week although he is in good spirits in the hospital. Please pray for God to heal the damage to his heart and also for peace and strength for him and his wife. They are people after God's own heart. :):)

Well I'd better go exercise and go to bed. BLESSINGS everyone!!- Angela :)

1 comment:

Christy Fritz said...

first alliance was where we went before gcf :)... we definitely will be keeping them in our prayers. they are an amazing couple. your boys are sweet... caleb told me today his tummy felt rolly and it must be because his intestines rolled his french toast into a taco... i don't know how they think of such things. :)