Thursday, August 30, 2007


To quote really does "suck the life out of you!!" The funny part (not funny haha but funny ironic) is that I used to be such a clutter bug too. Saving things is still important to me but my sanity is slowly becoming more and more important. It didn't bother me so much with child #1 and #2 but when #3 came along it was like, "WHOA!! Time to cut back somewhere and clutter needs to go." When things are cluttered I feel like I'm in constant state of unrest. I feel like I always need to be cleaning instead of playing with the kiddos. It causes me to be more irritable because everywhere I look there are little piles of things screaming at me, "PUT ME WHERE I BELONG OR THROW ME OUT!!!" Combine this with the fact that I have a 20 month old, who can demolish a room in no time flat, my sanity is slowly evaporating away. LOL Not really but I have discovered 2 things about why I think clutter sucks the life out of people....

#1. You never feel like you can rest because there is always work to do.

#2. Cluttered rooms make people in general feel more stressed. Neat, clean rooms (not stark mind you) are much more relaxing to look at.

So here's why I think even those of us who are clutterbugs by nature tend to change some after we have multiple children...

If you are a clutterbug and able to handle stress it doesn't bother you when you are growing up (I could barely find the floor in my room most of the time. My drawers were full of papers and stuff that I had saved.) and in marriage because some stress in life is normal. It may not even bother you after 1 or 2 children but the more kids you have the more stress you have. [I don't mean that kids are a burden. I LOOOOOVE being a Mommy but there is a certain amount of stress that comes with raising kids. Especially if you have one, or more (as is our case) strong willed kiddos.] Then, throw your own business into the mix and there is even more stress present. So, since I can't (and WOULDN'T) eliminate our children and I can't eliminate our business I turn to the stress inducer that I CAN eliminate. CLUTTER. Begone clutter!! LOL Have a great night everyone!



Tonya said...

LOL! yep. I would agree. I am putting off the basement playroom and garage. Every time I go down there, it's worse and I always say to myself "I have got to do something about this". The good thing about the basement is that I can close the door and not look at it for days on end. But one of these weeks, it is going to have to become a project. sigh.

Christy Fritz said...

i think you may be on to something. after clara, i am a constant straightener now... and i love to organize things. my dad is shocked still when he comes to my house and sees it neat and tidy.:)
except of course for one room...mine. (and the van) one day!:)

Andie said...

I know what you mean....the clothes the girls have outgrown are stored in totes...and they are calling me to be sold, along with the swing, bouncy seat, Bumbo seat, playmat, infant carseat, etc. etc!!! It's all neatly organized but *still* gets on my nerves *sigh*

Jane said...

hi, my name is Jane and I am a clutter bug!

I am realizing that not only does it drive my husband crazy, but it takes up to much of my energy. The frustration of the clutter is paralyzing and the time to clean all the stuff is very consuming.

I would rather spend my time helping others than cleaning stuff! When we "flipped" our house, I got rid of TONS of stuff. We are waiting till later this month to have our garage sale, so I am going through and cleaning out more these next couple of weeks.

The stuff is just not worth the energy. And the reality is this: if your house burned down tomorrow, would you miss the stuff? If it is no, then ditch it NOW! TODAY!

I've enjoyed trying to get caught up with your blog!

musicmommy3 said...

What's that old adage..."when in doubt throw it out!" That one really helped me. :):)