I just wanted to tell you a little bit about our Little Bit...heeheee I know, I know- GROAN! I'll stop...maybe.
ANYWAY, he is our third child and also our third BOY. All of our children have different personalities as well as different temperments and character strengths and weaknesses; just like all families everywhere. Judah is a WONDERFUL helper and he can outwork some adults I know. (really) Thomas has a tendency to be lazy on the work side. He is a very compassionate people person but if you ask him to do a job he will usually balk. (Not for long because we expect him to work aka chores a little every day but he will still try to get out of it. )
Anyway, Judah has always wanted to help. I remember that I used to set him next to the laundry basket when he was 9 months old and he would hand me the laundry to fold. He has been a wonderful worker ever since. Part of the reason is that, to him, it's a relationship thing. I know that he enjoys spending time with Michael or me and if he has to work to spend more time with us then that's fine with him. Work is a bonding thing for him and that's just fine with me -obviously!! LOL That said Judah doesn't always take the initiative to do a job. He just doesn't tend to complain when given one.
Anyway, so we had one worker and one dreamer.
Along comes Gideon...
He started showing signs early that he didn't want to be left out of anything. He always wanted to be in the center of the chaos at our house. He started showing signs early that we would have another fabulous worker. I was really excited. That's at least one thing we won't have to work on an attitude about. LOL So, we noticed that he would always go to the broom closet, take out the broom, and begin sweeping. It was really cute. As he got older I noticed that he would take baby wipes and start wiping the floor or the table off for me. What TOTALLY blew me away was a few weeks ago just after he turned 19 months old. He was walking through the living room and saw a piece of paper on the floor. It was crumpled. He picked it up. He then went straight to the kitchen, opened the garbage can, threw it in and shut the lid. I stood amazed and thought, "That must have just been a fluke!" Since then I have seen him repeat that action. He takes the initiative to clean. I think any 19 month old that does this is amazing. :):) (to me anyway)
He is not saying too many intelligeble words yet but I'm not worried. He's a boy. He signs to tell me what he wants and also he says enough sounds to let me know what it is he is trying to communicate; punctuated by large hand jestures and pointing. LOL
Another reason that I am not worried about his slower speech is because he seems to have the ability to understand even adult conversations. For example...
The other day the boys took Michael's car keys. (Well we assumed it was them anyway because it wasn't either of us.) I was holding Gideon and Michael was talking about needing his keys. I was telling him that the boys must have taken them. All of a sudden, Gid started to get really excited; squealing and pointing. It didn't register to me for a few seconds what he was so excited about. Then I realized, and told Michael, that I thought Gideon was trying to tell us where the keys were. I set him down and he immediately ran off with a huge smile. We followed him because, even if it was going to be a fruitless search, Gideon is adorable to watch. LOL Gideon ran through the entry way, and started up the stairs. Then he pointed and squealed. Sure enough, either Judah or Thomas left them on the stairs. We were amazed, and pleased. I made some comment like, "Gideon the bloodhound." :):):)
Because he understands more than I remember the other boys understanding we have to remember to specifically address the person we are giving a command or request to. Two quick examples...#1- The other day I had just HAD it with the two older boys. I hollered out, "Sit down in the chairs!!" (The chairs I was referring to are the entry way chairs I set the boys in so that they can calm down if they are acting like wild men.)
Judah got in one and then I noticed Gideon with large protruding lip was trying to climb into the other one. It about broke my heart. I picked him up, kissed that adorable lip, smiled and told him he was doing fine and explained that I wanted Thomas and Judah to sit down. The lip went away and I was rewarded with a huge smile. #2- The other day Michael was going to take just Thomas on some errands with him. He told him, "Go get your shoes on." Gideon immediately went to retrieve his shoes." It was a sad moment when Michael had to explain to him that he was talking to Thomas. Poor baby. So quick to obey and everything. :):) :)
He is the most amusing thing in our household. We (all of us including our dog) adore him. We praise God for ALL our precious boys!
Blessings!- Angela :)
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