Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Daddy Moments

Because of the crazy work schedule Michael has had for the last 7 years, the boys don't always get as much time with him as he or they would like. There is only so much a Mommy can give three little boys (even a tough tomboy Mommy like me). Boys NEED Daddies!!

Today Michael let our new driver go alone for part of the day. He had K drop him off in town and he walked to some errands. We (the boys and I) finished up school and met him in town. We took the van to get it serviced/washed/vacuumed and while that was happening we went across the street to McDs to have a family lunch. The boys were REALLY excited to see Daddy during the day and we had great fun watching them play on the slide and the playground there. :)

My husband is a super fabulous father!! I have often said that that's why our children are still sane. lol

Family time with Daddy is the BEST!!

Blessings!-Angela :)

1 comment:

Tia Lynn said...

AHHH!! I just got your messages! I was charging my phone upstairs and forgot about it. I would call you and apologize, but it’s after ten and I don’t want to wake up your kiddos. Anyhow, I had like 8 miss calls between you, work, and my mom!
We have AI taped and saved, so you can come over anytime you want to watch it! We are due to hang out again anyway! Sorry again! Love ya!