Friday, March 7, 2008


I don't know if you've heard of the recent California ruling against a homeschool family but I have a friend who homeschools in CA and she's nervous about this.

Even if you don't agree with homeschooling please sign the petition anyway so that those of us who do can continue to do it. Last time I checked this was a country that believed in freedom. :):) THANKS!
Here's the info

Subject: Homeschoolers in need!

Family and friends,

Homeschoolers in California are in need because of a terrible court decision. You can read about it here in the link I'm providing and and there is a link to a petition you can sign to depublish the opinion. Please consider doing this. For the OCHEA people I sent this too, perhaps it can be forwarded to all of the members, if the board approves.

PLEASE POST THIS LINK ON YOUR BLOGS TOO! I really feel that we need to take a stand here as Americans.


Elspeth said...

I will be glad to sign the petition. I was alarmed by this ruling when I read about it, too. Children are NOT property of the state! These socialists really irk me.

Mothertomanyblessings said...

Already signed it and you just reminded me I need to add it to my blog