Thursday, October 30, 2008

New Sisters on my Sidebar

I have added a few new "sisters" to my sidebar. :)

What I think these ladies have to offer:

Angie: Good reads, helpful homemaking skills, adoption stories, and she is basically just an all around fabulous woman!

Ginger: Very thoughtful posts, homemaking skills (check out her crockpot sight!), adoption issues, and she's a redhead. Aren't all redheads awesome? This one most definitely is. :)

Julie: Very thoughtful sometimes very deep posts, tells it just like she thinks/believes, adoption stories, and she is becoming a good friend. She is a very precious sweet woman. I'm happy to "know" her.

Linkmama- Obviously not her real name but she will not reveal it online. Good posts on child training and homeschool. A very seasoned and wise woman. Glad to "know" her.

Mommaofmany- Also another one who likes her internet anon., Good posts on homemaking, homeschooling, adoption, and childrearing. She's really a super woman! I'm blessed to "know" her also.

Enjoy these new additions! I have a few more to add but I need to get these boys OUTSIDE!!

Blessings!- Angela :)


Julie said...

From the tell it like it is girl: I heart you! :)

Christy Fritz said...

I heart your blog too!!!

SO glad you are back...thought you might be gone for good. I'll have to add you back to my daily read list.

Have had a blast getting caught up on all your happenings! your place looks awesome. we just did a final mulch job in the backyard, that I thought was a massive undertaking...and there you are with a pond and new animals...very adventursome you are. :)

enjoy all the new additions, and once again... so glad to catch up with your family.

take care
christy :)

Anonymous said...

Hi! Thanks for adding me! I cannot add you , because I don't know how to add bloggers who are not on HS blogger! I want to add you, though!!
We had snow last week! It has melted but there are still patches here and there!

Anonymous said...

I meant to sign in as linkmama-sorry!