Thursday, January 31, 2008
Why I Homeschool Reason #976
I asked Thomas (my little extrovert) a casual question.
I asked, "Thomas how many friends do you have?" (Keep in mind that I was thinking about church friends and wanted to see who he was bonding with lately.)
He thought for a second, pointed to Judah and said, "one." Then at Gideon and said, "two." Next he pointed to me and said, "three." He counted Daddy (who wasn't at home) as #4 and "Card Grandma" as number 5. He said he had 5 friends.
It was so sweet. :):):) I love that the boys (who do fight a lot of the time) are so bonded together. They want to be with each other all the time. When I separate them for discipline reasons or just because I think they've had enough of each other and need a small break, they always ask to start playing together again. :):):) When Michael or I plan an evening with just one of them whoever's eveing it is will, a lot of times, ask if their brothers can come too.
Friends come and go but family is forever and I love that they want to be friends. They have casual friends at church too so I'm not worried that they're anti-social. :)
Now don't anybody freak and say that is no reason to keep your kids out of public shool. Reread the title- Why I Homeschool... not Why You Should Homeschool
Have a blessed day!
-Angela :)
Tuesday, January 29, 2008
Just Say No?
#1- It's my blog and I can post my opinion if I want to.
#2- I'm more secure in how I personally feel about it.
I've been thinking about this for about 8+ years now so it's been rolling around in my mind for a good long time. (not everyday but when the subject would come up) Are you curious yet? I would be...
I have noticed that when the topic of sex in Christian marriage comes up that, most often, women will talk about not telling their husbands no when they ask for sex. I have even heard that it is a sin to EVER tell your husband no if he wants to. That has never set well with me. I realize that most of the women are using the verse where Paul is saying this
"The husband should fulfill his marital duty to his wife, and likewise the wife to her husband. The wife's body does not belong to her alone but also to her husband. In the same way, the husband's body does not belong to him alone but also to his wife. Do not deprive each other except by mutual consent and for a time, so that you may devote yourselves to prayer. Then come together again so that Satan will not tempt you because of your lack of self-control." 1 Corinthians 7: 3-5
I agree that we should "come together" regularly. It is good for the relationship. It's also a good way to guard against temptation (as Paul pointed out). BUT, I believe there should be mutual respect involved.
What if the wife was sick and she just couldn't bring herself to engage that night/day. Would that be a sin to say no?
And NOBODY I've ever heard has ever brought up, "Well, I asked my husband to "spend some time together" last night and he said no so he sinned against me.
It's almost like we owe it to our men but they don't owe it to us because we, as women, "don't need it as much" mentality.
If you read the Scripture though it's showing both husband and wife are not to deny the other.
I'm thinking that culture plays a big part here. We've been told over and over that men need sex and women generally don't but I don't think that's always the case and I think this discussion can get very one sided very quickly. (the side where women must always indulge the man)
Do I think you should always try to accommodate him? Yes.
Do I think it's a sin if you can't a particular night? No.
Do I think it's wrong to deny him over and over? Yes.
I guess what I'm saying here it that if our bodies aren't our own once we marry we should still walk in love. If one partner doesn't feel up to it, give the other a rain check and snuggle.
I spent YEARS feeling guilty if I ever said no and you know what he finally told me one day, "Honey, I would rather you just say no if you really don't want to." What I was trying to do was die to myself but I was getting all emotionally/physically worked up because I was afraid of sinning if I said no. I wanted to be there for him but during pregnancies (for the first few months of each one) it was pretty near impossible. For a couple of pregnancies if I had to sit next to a person and they touched me with their skin I would have to hold back vomit. (my kids didn't bother me so much. I made myself hug them. )
I was so relieved when he told me to just say no.
I just think that sex should be a relationship like the rest of marriage- love and mutual submission. My husband didn't want me to stress about saying no (or maybe it was just more stressful on him-heehee) but told me that it's OK to say no sometimes. (not every time obviously) I don't stress if he says no. I think to myself, "He must have had a long day." or whatever.
Sex isn't something that doesn't have a person attached to it. It's not just an act. My husband's body is mine but he still lives in it and I want to respect his feelings, exhaustion, illness, etc.
I guess I just don't understand why this subject isn't more 2 sided (not girl submission only) and why people don't talk about respect and understanding in the sexual relationship more.
Anyway, that's my 4 cents worth.
Keep in mind that I'm not saying we SHOULD deny our husbands or that we should say no a lot. I'm just talking about occasionally or when circumstances prevent it.
I'm just talking about mutual respect and treating the sex part just like any other part of the marriage- with a person attached to it and not just as an act.
Have a good day everyone!
-Angela :)
Thursday, January 24, 2008
Profound Thought for The Day
in the place where it falls, there will it lie. " Ecclesiastes 11:3b
You know, I realize that Solomon was a very very very wise man because God answered his request for wisdom; BUT when I read this verse this morning all I could think of was..."well, DUH!"
LOL I did glean from other verses around there but I just wanted to share a laugh with everyone this morning.
Y'all have a good day now, ya'hear!
Blessings!- Angela :)
Wednesday, January 23, 2008
Saturday, January 19, 2008
I cannot go to the store on a morning it's possibly going to snow. Michael will be through working hopefully at noon and I anticipated us all hanging out and enjoying the weather today. I grabbed Gideon this morning and took him to Walmart with me to do the weekly perishable shopping. I almost bought cinnamon rolls because I could just picture us eating them as we watched the snow. (Decided to make my own- too many preservatives) I wanted to buy chips because that would be a treat. Didn't buy the chips but I did buy some pistachios that were $5.00 off. :):) All of us love them. I also bought English muffins and also fixins to make great nachos tonight. A cracker dip was, I think, the last impulse buy. We had some leftover money so I don't go over budget but I thought it was funny how I just kept thinking "wouldn't that be nice to eat while we watch the snow?" Like we'd even have enough room in our stomachs to eat all the food that crossed my eye. I bypassed many other tempting choices.
On the way home I was breathing a sigh of relief that I had gotten all the bathrooms cleaned yest and now the shopping done. That meant I'd have all day to relax and have fun with my family. I arrived home to find Thomas sitting in my bed with vomit all over his hair and shirt. (and my bed) sigh.
Poor kid. He's miserable. So now i have 3 loads of laundry to do today.That's a pain but at least I'll probably get to hold Thomas more.
Hope that everyone has a great weekend!
Blessings- Angela :)
Wednesday, January 16, 2008
Gideon James
However, I'm thinking perhaps I should make one this year. This year I will try NOT to make so many assumptions about things. God help me (seriously). I didn't realize how bad I was at that until I got married. heehee. Obviously that can cause problems in marriages. :) Does this sound familiar to anyone?
Michael- Are you doing laundry today?
Me- Are you pressuring me? I'm already busy enough today and I don't want to be STRESSED out. Are you criticising me because you don't have enough clean clothes? I do SO MUCH around here...blah blah blah
Michael- I'm just asking because if you're too busy I was going to put my clothes in to wash so you wouldn't have to do it...
Me- (small sheepish voice) oh, nope, not going to use it.
(the small sheepish voice is on a good day. Usually I'm so humiliated that I get angry all over again. grin)
Many times early on in our marriage I would assume I knew what he was thinking and when I told him what I thought he was thinking me would exclaim, "Stay out of my head, you can't even figure out your own!" lol (That one really never made me mad...I usually laughed because it was so true. )
It has also crippled potential friendships in the past because I have thought things like "Catrina, Tonya (and later) DeeAnn would never want to be friends with someone like me. They are skinny, beautiful, popular people. "Those kinds of people" HATED me in high school. I would never be able to be friends with Tia because we disagree about all kinds of things and that would get in the way. BTW I hung out with Tia for a little over 5 hours last night and enjoyed every minute of it. ;)
So I really can get into trouble when I assume things to be true. We can assume someone believes something based on other things they believe but we never know until we ask them. We can assume someone wouldn't want to be around us and short change ourselves in the area of relationships. And on and on ad nauseum...
So this year my one New Year's resolution is this - Ask God to help me not to assume so much.
Because WE ALL know what ASSUMING does...heeheehee
Blessings!- Angela :)
Saturday, January 12, 2008
Ohio Trip part 2
A lunch/play stop on the way home!!
Brother FUN!!
We did the trip home in 2 days because I was tired from lack of sleep. Yes, I'll take pics in the van (occasionally) but I won't drive tired with the kids! LOL
A few shots from the hotel:
TV time
Sleepy time
Gideon looking adorable!! (He loved his snow boots and insisted on wearing them A LOT!)
One more play/lunch stop and then we arrived home!!Hope that you enjoyed the journey and the pics! Blessings!- Angela :)
Ohio Pics
Our first stop was about 3 1/2 hours later. We quickly stopped for a bathroom break, fuel up, and about 15 minute quick stop at BK for breakfast. We ate quickly because there was supposed to be bad weather coming in that evening and we wanted to beat it. :)
The first of 3 tolls. :) It's so nastalgic that I don't mind the extra expense.
Beautiful mountain!! Isn't God awesome?!
The capitol building in Charleston, WV. Isn't it pretty? I've always liked it.
A couple hours later...The OHIO RIVER!!
Only about 3 1/2 hours left!! YEAH!
We did beat the snow!! (an answer to prayer!!) We did get snow that night!! (another answer to prayer!!) We got even more the next day (Thanks Daddy!)
The boys, especially Gideon, were fascinated as they watched it fall. Gideon didn't know quite what to make of the white world he was seeing. :) It was really cute. He kept jumping up on the couch to look out the window and squeal. They didn't play in the snow the first day because it was wet snow on the bottom and was falling fast during the day. It was also cold (18 degrees) and windy.
The highlight of the day had to be watching my dad plow. Our good ole' Southern boys thought that was GREAT!
Then, that afternoon (New Year's day) the power went out about 1:30pm. That was ok for awhile because we had water and a gas stove and lots of sweaters to layer. BUT when it got dark I figured it was going to get tricky. However, the boys did great with no TV and no lights. (Better than my Dad, Mom, and Me did missing all the bowl games!!) My dad had a camping light. When we got cold enough he turned on the 4 ranges and it was almost like a campout. Well, if it hadn't been for the pinkeye. THAT was annoying.
Here's my mom calling the Power Company to see when the power would be back on. They said by 4:30pm....
It wasn't but it did come back on at 8:42 pm-Just in time to watch the kickoff of the UGA game!!! YEAH!!!
It didn't stop the boys from having fun. They ate their second bowl of snow and since they couldn't go outside and play they made little mini snowmen and then ate them. :)
Eating dinner by lamplight!
The following day it had warmed up to 25 degrees so they went out to play. Gideon didn't like it at first but he got into it. :)